Appliance Experts

Looking for professional appliance installations? We are here to help!

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If You Get It There, We'll install it!

Thanks for visiting. Let's get straight to it. Through our installation service we guarantee our 5 Star quality installs on all appliances. We strive to meet our customer's needs and will always do our best to complete each install beyond excellence. NH Appliance Installations LLC provides highly experienced local contractors with years of experience in installations. We professionally install all types of appliances for Home Owners & Home Builder Homes.

How Does It Work?
All you have to do is get your appliances delivered to you. You can have them dropped off by the delivery company to your garage, kitchen area, placed in front of the actual install area etc... Make sure to inspect your appliance for damages, contact us and we will come out to install them, or if you know your delivery time and date you can schedule us ahead of time to be there on that date. Yes! It is that simple.

Why Choose Us? 
 NH Appliance Installations LLC is an independent appliance installation company with an owner who has over 20 years of experience in appliance deliveries and installs, who also believes in getting the job done correctly the first time. This is why NH Appliance Installations LLC is very selective with the installers hired. With most large delivery/installation companies you would rarely be able to build a relationship with the owner, who cares just as much for the consumer and the company's name and not just more so for their bank accounts. Did you know? Most large delivery/installation companies charge a fortune to install appliances because they have way too many employees on their payroll, which they struggle to satisfy with pay. Let's face it, we all strive for that job with great pay, correct? Majority of their employees will have incomplete installs based on company policies that will cost the consumer more money out of their pocket. Most of these reasons are just ways to keep their workers working by going back on deliveries/installs that could have already been completed. Also the driver/installer may incomplete a job for many reasons such as not having the hardware needed to complete the install, lack of knowledge to complete or lack ability to learn the install, the pressure to complete the extensive delivery route given to them by the company etc... Or some are just plain lazy? Although all those reasons could be why some installers are so sloppy and careless. Here's a fact, most large companies have to employ numerous workers throughout the year so they tend to get desperate to hire, which makes them hire anyone who's willing to deliver & install their appliances with little to no experience. Even though large companies charge a fortune to have the appliances installed, they underpay all of their installers, which makes their installers careless with their installs because the installer feels they are not being paid what it is worth to complete the job. So remember just because you hire a popular installation name brand doesn't mean you're going to get the quality of the installation brand. Let's look at it this way, when dealing with most large delivery/installation companies and their drivers/installers they believe that the more reasons to come back on a delivery, the more money for the company and their driver/installer to make. It pretty much balances the company's payroll but costs the consumer more money and time. We're here to save you the time and hassle. We make sure all of our installers not only care about their pay but the consumer, the consumer product, the company's name, and getting the job done correctly the first time.

How Do We Save You Money?
Here at NH Appliance Installations LLC we get our job done the first time around as long as everything is up to par on your end at the time of the installation. That's right! We get it done! We never over work our schedules which will allow the installer to properly give each consumer not only our time but our guaranteed 5 Star professional installs as well. There's nothing more frustrating than paying the extra cost for an installer to come back multiple times to attempt to complete the same install that could've been completed the first go round. How many trip charges do you want to pay or days you want to take off from work for the same job to be completed? Exactly! We all understand that sometimes things could happen that may prevent an install from being completed but after the second attempt and there's still an issue with an install, it not only becomes an issue, but less than professional either way. We're an independent contracting appliance installation company which focuses on appliance installs only, so we don't have to add the extra install fees and outrageous trip charges that most large companies charge. Most installs are trumped up on the back end which you most likely won't have any knowledge of because it's already included in your install price along with the price of unnecessary installation hardware that the installer most likely won't need to complete the install. WOW! Right? Here at NH Appliance Installations LLC what you pay for an install, is exactly what you will pay, no hidden fees, no more paying for unnecessary installation hardware that's not needed to complete an install and no more outrageous trip charges. From experience we know appliance installations can get costly so we are here to change that narrative. We only charge 1 trip charge in a single day per area, meaning if you have multiple houses on the same street or in the same neighborhood we only charge 1 delivery fee. All the installation hardware is included and with our set installation prices we are here to save you a fortune. 
What to Expect During Installation?
For Home Owners/Builders: After we have approved the installation process we will notify you the day before the installation, the morning of the installation with a time frame, and when the installer is on the way to do the installation, also for builders, once the installer completed the installation. Once we arrive, before we start an installation, we will take pictures of the work area to attach to the email provided once we're done for both parties record. If we have any difficulties with the installs, no worries, if the installer finds any issues with your cabinetry, flooring, etc... we will notify you immediately. For new construction as a courtesy we may allow you a reasonable amount of time to correct the issue during the install time or if you need to reschedule us to come back out another day to complete the install of that particular appliance, the rest of the appliances will be installed and completed. This way you can have time to correctly correct the issue before we come back out without you nor the installer having to feel the pressure of feeling rushed. We only charge for the completed installs. Once an install is successfully completed, we will test the appliances and report any issues that we notice after testing. The installer will always notify you upon completion to give you the opportunity to view the install before the installer leaves the home, we ask that you just be considerate of the installers timed schedule. The installer will also notify you of any damages that may occur during the install so that the damages can be repaired in a suitable amount of time. That's right! No Surprises. For builders we always send pictures, so if no one is available to view the installation at the time, we will send pictures to the email provided to show that the work is complete with no damages and good to go. We only stay in the areas where we are installing. We will always leave the home as we find it and clean our work areas. Our workers work out of their personal vehicles so we ask if any boxes are present that we may leave them in the garage for the next trash pickup, by the curbside or if there's a nearby trash bend our installer may throw the boxes there. In some cases a dolly maybe needed to move an appliance from one place to another, we will always make the necessary preparations to protect the floor and area as much as possible. Sometimes there are other contractors present during our install process so the moment that we're done we will always notify you, take and send pictures of our installations and the work area.

What We Expect During Installation?
For Home Owners/Builders: Once we've arrived at the home the installer must have a clear passage to the home. Mudded driveways and sidewalks are risky and could be an issue with walking or using a dolly if needed. The installer must wear shoes at all times during installation to avoid injury. We ask to have a clear pathway to the front door or garage so that the floors can be better protected and there's no risk of a slip and fall for the installer. We will always try to protect the floors but these things do help. Large appliances must always be brought in through the front door, unless there's a larger door with a better pathway. In some cases the installer may be able to walk a mudded pathway without slipping but that judgment will be considered by the installer as they are the ones at risk of slipping and falling. All cabinetry must be suitable for a complete install. Although we guarantee our installs, we must be able to install all appliances without complications. If the cabinetry is incorrect, we will be delayed which means so will you. The work area must be clear and ready for installation. The area of where the delivery company dropped off the appliances must be clear so that the installer can move the appliances without any complications. We provide each consumer with the same courtesy of advanced time frame notices so we ask not to be delayed with materials in the work area because you may not be the only install that day. Each appliance must be previously inspected by the delivery company or the person receiving the delivery for overall damages before the installer arrives or physically touches the appliance, unless the installer has the consent from the owner/builder. NH Appliance Installations is not responsible for any unopened appliances. In order to get each appliance installed in a suitable amount of time no one can be in the way of the installer, so please schedule for a day when the installer can install your appliances without or with minimum interference if possible. At NH Appliance Installations LLC we value everyone's time.

What to Expect After Installation?
After your installation is complete it starts our free (Guarantee 5 Star 60 Day Quality Install Program). We guarantee all of our installs and if an install can't be corrected due to the miss-installment of one of NH Appliance Installations LLC installers then we will refund your money for that particular install. If you have a problem with any install just contact us, and we'll come back out for free at our earliest convenience. We only charge for the completed installs. Each claim will have to be inspected by one of our professional installers other than the original installer to determine the cause of the installment issue, if the issue falls on our installer then at that time the present installer may attempt to fix the issue. Also if the failure of the install is caused by a NH Appliance Installations LLC installer, we will fix it plus refund you your money for that particular appliance install. Yes! We will fix it plus refund you your money for that particular appliance install! If our installer is called back out and determines that the installment issue has been affected or caused by an individual other than a NH Appliance Installations LLC installer then that party will be responsible for paying for another complete installation, not NH Appliance Installations LLC. Accidents can occur so if any appliance is determined to be damaged by one of NH Appliance Installations installers during installation, we will pay the inconvenience fee for getting that item replaced through its warranty, come out for free and reinstall it, plus refund the money for that particular install. We will always care and take full responsibility for our installers. We will always care for the appliance installations. We will always care for the appliances and most of all we will always care for the consumer. At NH Appliance Installations LLC we do, CARE.

First Time Builders Using Us?
For Builder Agreement Only: Try us out! We will install the first home for free. Yes! For Free! Just select one of our basic install packages. This way you can get a familiarity of our installation process. We will not hassle you, if you're satisfied with the installation, contact NH Appliance Installations so that we will send you a one-time appliance installation agreement to sign. This agreement is a one-time straight forward agreement that gives NH Appliance Installations LLC permission to install your appliances at any of your residence, secure your (Guaranteed 5 Star 60 Day Install Program) for each home that we install appliances in for you, that we agree to give you 5 star quality installs, you agree to pay for each install completed after completion, plus that both parties understands the (What To Expect and What We Expect) terms. Basically it will cover that both parties agree and understand everything read here on this page, which you will receive a PDF copy of with your agreement. This agreement is not a binding agreement, you can cancel the installations at any time. If for any reason you want to cancel the agreement we would appreciate a heads-up. This agreement has to be signed by both parties before any continuous installations can be done.

What Do You Need To Do Now?
For Home Owners/Builders: Visit our Prices Page to view the price of the appliance/appliances or appliance package that you need installed. Contact NH Appliance Installations LLC  by phone or email for a consultation or if you have a quick question about a particular appliance install, send us a brief message through our contact forum which can be found on our Contact Page and we will respond at our earliest convenience. After you've called in or emailed us and we've confirmed the appliance installations needed, we will create an installation work order invoice and send it to you which will include the appliances needing to be installed, the work order address and contact info, any brief side notes that needs to be given to the installer, and the total amount of the install along with the trip charge, or for builders the 1 time trip charge for your verification and documentation.

Trip Charge/Payment 
 For Home Owners: After your invoice is created, we require for the trip charge to be covered before an installer can be sent out to the location and the actual install balance be paid after the completion of the install.
  For Home Builders: After your invoice is created, we require for the trip charge to be covered before an installer can be sent out to the location and the actual install balance to be paid within 24 hours for all installs that are completed.

At NH Appliance Installations We Want To Thank You and Hope To See You Soon. 




Our Installers Experienced Locations
NH Appliance installations LLC is a local INDEPENDENT contracting company.